台灣長笛家,國立台灣藝術大學音樂學士及美國波士頓大學藝術學院音樂研究所碩士,師事波士頓交響樂團長笛首席杜葉兒教授(Doriot Anthony Dwyer)。現任「新象文教基金會」董事長兼藝術總監、「吹笛人室內樂團」創辦人兼音樂總監、「環境音樂製作所」董事長、台北藝術大學音樂系副教授,崑曲《青春版牡丹亭》製作人;曾任「雲門舞集」音樂總監、漢聲童話等。在近五十年來的長笛教學當中,培養出許多優秀的國內精英,在樂界被譽為長笛教母。
FAN, Man Nong graduated from National Taiwan University of Arts and Boston University, studied flute with Doriot Anthony Dwyer, the principal flutist of Boston Symphony Orchestra. She is the Artistic Director and Chairperson of International New Aspect Cultural & Educational Foundation, the Artistic Director of Joueur de Flute Ensemble, Chairperson of Environment Arts Center, professor of Taipei National University for the Arts. During the last 40-year career of music pedagogy, she has trained numerous brilliant flutists who have become the mainstay of the flute music. Fan is also known as the Godmother of Flutists in Taiwan.
Founded by Fan in 1978, Environment Arts Center initiated improvement of visual and audio arts environment in Taiwan society by adopting various innovated media, such as the production of television, broadcast and commercial music. To achieve the goal, Environment Arts integrates a group of academic musicians, among which includes Tai Hsiang Li, Lung Hsin Wen, Wei Cheng Hsiao, Yang Chen etc. They share mutual ideals and collaborate in realizing their ideas about performing arts . Environment Arts executed several “Asian New Environment in Music” festivals and later broadened its business scope to visual and sculpture arts. Important exhibitions held by Environment Arts include “Oil Painting Exhibition of Pierre-Auguste Renoir (1981)”, “Painting Exhibition of Cheh Chang”, “Painting Exhibition of Cheh Chang”,“Photography Exhibition of Ying Sheng Quo”, “Sculpture Exhibition of Ying Fong Yang”,“Sculpture Exhibition of Ming Chu”, “Exhibition of Tibetan Buddhism Cultural Legacy”, “The Beauty of Chinese Calligraphy ” and the exhibition of Pixar: 20 Years of Animation, which was a huge success in Taipei, 2009, and also Pixar: 25 Years of Animation in Shanghai, 2011. During 1988 to 2008, Environment Arts organized nine “Environment Arts Festivals”, organizing crossover performances ranging from music, theatre to dance, breaking the boundaries from countries to countries. As the driving force in Taiwan cultural and arts field, Fan also took part in several stage production as producer, among which include the first Taiwan-produced multi-media stage drama “Wandering in the Garden, Walking from a Dream” (originated by Hsien-Yung Pai ), “Lady Windermere’s Fan”, “The Dream of Butterfly”, and Kun Opera “The Peony Pavilion”.