帕博羅.塞恩斯 – 維耶加斯
Soul of Spanish Guitar
Pablo Sáinz-Villegas Guitar Recital
5/13 (Sat) 19:30 臺中 國家歌劇院中劇院
National Taichung Theater Play House
5/14 (Sun) 19:30 高雄衛武營國家音樂廳
Weiwuying Concert Hall, Kaohsiung
5/17 (Wed) 19:30 臺北國家音樂廳
National Concert Hall, Taipei
西班牙吉他之魂 訪臺演出經典曲目
西班牙古典吉他演奏家帕博羅.塞恩斯-維耶加斯獲國際媒體讚賞為「西班牙文化傳播的使者」。美國音樂娛樂雜誌《告示牌》讚譽「塞恩斯-維耶加斯堪稱西班牙吉他的國際大使。」塞恩斯-維耶加斯的確不負宣揚西班牙文化大使的美譽,將在五月訪臺 -- 臺北、臺中、高雄,演奏最具西班牙代表性的吉他名曲,阿爾班尼士的《西班牙組曲》選曲、《阿斯圖里亞斯-傳奇》《馬約卡島(船歌)》多首經典; 葛拉納多斯的《憂傷舞曲》、《安達魯西亞》;羅德里哥《祈禱與舞蹈--向法雅致敬》、吉梅內斯《路易斯‧阿隆索的婚禮》以及泰雷加《阿拉伯綺想曲》選曲等吉他經典樂曲,深厚情感與精湛琴藝,展現西班牙吉他之魂。
吉他傳奇塞哥維亞的繼承者 西班牙濃郁情感
演奏風格豐富多彩 千絲萬縷細膩感人
交響吉他領域的領導者 國際古典吉他中流砥柱
塞恩斯-維耶加斯曾登上世界各地最重要的舞台如紐約卡內基音樂廳、柏林愛樂廳、莫斯科柴可夫斯基音樂廳、維也納金色大廳、北京國家大劇院等;無數場成功的演出,也讓他獲得知名導演Miguel Harth-Bedoya、Carlos Kalmar、Juanjo Mena、Alondra de la Parra等的青睞。與此同時,塞恩斯-維耶加斯也經常演出機構及企業音樂會,曾為西班牙皇室、各國領導人演出。
塞恩斯-維耶加斯的熱情放射力有多強烈? 從馬德里的聖地牙哥‧伯納烏足球場上、現場觀眾超過8萬5千位的音樂會,全場觀眾起立為塞恩斯-維耶加斯的吉他演出歡呼,以及舉行於亞馬遜河上的飄浮舞台,音樂會激情高昂的盛況,透過電視轉播給超過百萬位閱聽者。
與電影跨界合作 積極推展西班牙古典吉他曲目
塞恩斯-維耶加斯跨域演奏古典經典、也與潮流脈動與時俱進,積極推動西班牙古典吉他曲目的廣泛發展,為許多新作進行世界首演,其中更包括屢獲奧斯卡的電影音樂作曲家約翰‧威廉斯第一首吉他作品《Rounds》,以及Tomás Marco、David del Puerto、Sergio Assad等作曲家的作品。
至今,塞恩斯-維耶加斯成就豐碩,獲得超過三十項古典吉他界聲名遠播的大獎如Andrés Segovia獎、Francisco Tárrega獎、Christopher Parkening獎,以及西班牙國家廣播電臺(RNE)頒發的Riojana藝術獎與「評論之眼」青年藝術獎;這也是「評論之眼」首次頒發給吉他演奏家。
維耶加斯出生於西班牙北部城市La Rioja,並自2001年起定居紐約。
“It’s safe to call him the global ambassador of Spanish guitar”
Pablo Sáinz-Villegas is highly regarded in the international press as the heir to Andrés Segovia and an ambassador of Spanish culture. He gained widespread recognition after his debut with the New York Philharmonic at Lincoln Center under the baton of Rafael Frühbeck de Burgos. He has since performed in over 40 countries and collaborated with renowned orchestras such as the Berlin Philharmonic, Chicago Symphony, Philharmonic of Israel, Los Angeles Philharmonic, and the National Orchestra of Spain. His performances have established him as a leader in symphonic guitar and an accomplished soloist.
“Master of the Guitar and an Extraordinary Musician”
Plácido Domingo has described him as “the master of the guitar” and with him he has had the privilege of recording his new duo album, as well as participating in the tribute held in his honor at the Santiago Bernabéu stadium in Madrid to an audience of over 85,000 and also in a concert on a floating stage on the Amazon River, televised for millions of people in the world.
His “… virtuosic playing characterized by irresistible exuberance” (The New York Times) make him one of the most acclaimed soloists by prestigious directors, orchestras, and festivals. Highlights of his international tours with orchestras include Amsterdam Sinfonietta, the National Orchestra of Spain or the New Zealand Symphony. Last season, Sáinz Villegas made his debut at Chicago’s Grant Park Music Festival to an audience of 11,000 people and at Praça do Comercio in Lisbon with the Gulbenkian O
Pablo has already appeared on some of the world’s most prestigious stages including Carnegie Hall in New York, the Philharmonie in Berlin, Tchaikovsky Concert Hall in Moscow, the Musikverein in Vienna or the National Arts Center in Beijing. The success of his performances translates into repeated invitations from directors such as Miguel Harth-Bedoya, Carlos Kalmar, Juanjo Mena and Alondra de la Parra. Habitual performer in concerts of institutional and business representation, he has had the privilege of playing before members of the Spanish Royal Family as well as other heads of state and international leaders.
Pablo Sáinz Villegas has recorded with the National Orchestra of Spain under the baton of Juanjo Mena the three concerts for guitar and orchestra by Joaquín Rodrigo including the popular Concierto de Aranjuez. He has also recorded for the record label Harmonia Mundi the album “Americano” which is a journey through the musical affluence of the American continent. Currently, Pablo Sáinz Villegas is an exclusive artist of SONY Classical.
A tireless promoter of development of the repertoire for Spanish classical guitar, Pablo Sáinz Villegas has made numerous world premieres among which, ‘Rounds’, the first composition for guitar by five-time Academy Award-winner John Williams, as well as for the composers Tomás Marco, David del Puerto and Sergio Assad.
Pablo Sáinz Villegas has accomplished an impressive collection of over 30 international awards among which include Andrés Segovia, Francisco Tárrega, and Christopher Parkening. Likewise, he has been awarded the “Galardón a las Artes Riojana” and the “Ojo Crítico” Award from Radio Nacional de España, this being the first time that this distinction has been granted to a guitarist.
Artist socially committed to the current world, Pablo Sáinz Villegas founded in 2006 the philanthropic project “The legacy of music without borders”, whose mission is to bring music to people as a mean to humanize their environment and promote understanding between different cultures. Thanks to this project he has shared his music with more than 32,000 children and youth in Spain, Mexico, and United States. Pablo Sáinz Villegas was born in La Rioja in Northern Spain and since 2001 he lives in New York City.
古典吉他|帕博羅.塞恩斯 - 維耶加斯
Pablo Sáinz-Villegas, Guitar

Enrique Granasos:“Danza Melancólica” from Danza Española, Op. 37, No. 10
Enrique Granados:“Andaluza” from Danza Española, Op. 37, No. 5
Joaquín Rodrigo: Invocación y Danza (“Homage to Manuel de Falla”)
Francisco Tárrega: Capricho Árabe
Francisco Tárrega: Lágrima
Francisco Tárrega: Adelita
Francisco Tárrega: Recuerdos de la Alhambra
Isaac Albéniz: Torre Bermeja, from Piezas Características, Op. 92
Isaac Albéniz: Mallorca (Barcarola), Op. 202
Isaac Albéniz: Asturias (Leyenda), from Suite Española, Op. 47
Time & Venue
2023.05.13(六)19:30 臺中 國家歌劇院中劇院
Playhouse, National Taichung Theater
票價│600. 800. 1200. 1800. 2400. 3000.
2023.05.14(日)19:30 高雄 衛武營國家音樂廳
Concert Hall, Weiwuying, Kaohsiung
票價│600. 800. 1200. 1800. 2400. 3000.
2023.05.17(三)19:30 臺北 國家音樂廳
National Concert Hall, Taipei
票價│600. 800. 1200. 1800. 2400. 3000. 3600
◎早鳥優惠折扣方案 - 優惠活動2023.3.31止
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